Our Vision

We envision a world in which education positively contributes to each person’s ability to reach her or his potential in acting for society’s good.
We aspire to prepare learner sensitive educators with the knowledge, skills and personality to contribute to a better society and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.
To increase and improve equitable access to quality education to OVCs and ensure increased enrolment, retention and completion.
To empower OVC households and other community members on community health, sanitation and hygiene.
To work with community members to identify skills, capacity gaps and recommend sustainable development projects for the community
To provide psychosocial support to OVC households and resettle and rehabilitate the orphans who are homeless, abandoned and or whose lives are found to be in danger
At Denise, we cherish the following;
· Accountability and transparency
· Time management
· Team work
· Family
· Entrepreneurship and creativity
· Honesty
The Denise Foundation UK is a registered charity in England and Wales, No. 1178870